Monday, May 12, 2008

'twas a happy mother's weekend

Yesterday my wife celebrated her first mother's day. I'm so happy.

I've not posted here lately, primarily due to lack of convenient computer access. In a nutshell, here is what has happened over the past week. We began our month long series "Special Delivery 101" last Monday night. It's a four week crash course in delivering a baby. Amazing how women weren't able to properly deliver babies until these $50 courses came along. It was enjoyable, though finding exactly where we were supposed to go proved to be more than enough frustrating. The night began with an overview of the course, introductory comments, and a lecture on the various stages of labor. We ended the night with a tour of the labor and delivery wing of the hospital. That was a very exciting moment for me. I've had times of feeling really anxious and times of wondering if I'm really glad we made the decision. Walking through that part of the hospital reaffirmed the decision. We're doing this!

So other than that, most of the week has been baby event free. Though on Saturday, we did make a major decision. We spent our recently deposited government rebate check on nursery furniture! hooray for the recession. Glad I could put some money back into the economy. Some day in the next few weeks, I'll be able to post regarding the fun I had putting the crib, dresser, and changing table together.

Tonight is round two of the delivery class: Learning how to breathe. Here's hoping everyone makes fools of themselves.

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