Monday, April 28, 2008

What am I doing?!

Well, this is the first of what could be countless posts regarding life as a stay-at-home-dad (SAHD). I'm not sure what I'm getting myself into. By that I mean both raising a child and blogging on this site semi-regularly. It'll be a lesson in discipline and devotion, I'm sure. Cashew (my yet to be born son) is scheduled for arrival on July 3rd, 2008. I couldn't be more ready for him to arrive and my wife is doing well. THERE. I've answered two of the most annoying questions I get. Poor people, they always mean well, and I avoid making them feel bad, but you gotta know how it goes:

Random person i haven't seen for at least 1 week: So, Keith, are you excited about the baby?
Me: Yeah, I can't wait... mention things about decorating the room, buying baby furniture...etc.
(what I'm really thinking: Well, yeah I can't wait for him to come out so that I don't have to keep answering your ridiculously boring question every 5 days! It's a freaking baby for crying out loud. A child that I planned to bring into this world! Why wouldn't I be excited about it? How about you ask me what I thought about the NFL draft? That be a question that you could not have asked me for the last 4 weeks!)
There. I feel much better. I promise this blog won't always take a cynical slant. But sometimes that's necessary. I hope you'll find some truth and maybe even a little humor at times. I'm in for the ride of my life and hopefully you'll enjoy some of the bumps along the way. Don't forget, I'm just the daddy!