Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Aah! We're having a baby!

Psych. Not quite. So last night around 6:30, I get a phone call from the wife. She's at Vacation Bible School and she says that she's pretty sure her water just broke. I tell her to come on home and we'll call the hospital. She gets home, we call, and they tell her to come to the E.R. She went ahead and ate a light dinner, we packed the car (assuming we might not have come back home) and drove to the hospital a little after 7. At this point, Jen still wasn't having any contractions, but we got up to the room, she got checked out and hooked up, and the nurse gave her a quick check up. The water had not broken, but since we were there, as policy they wanted to observe her for one hour. So we watched "John and Kate plus 8" to pass the time. Eventually, Pam (the nurse) came back in and released us. An experience we didn't really want, but not horrible (at least from my perspective). Jennifer had been determined to not be one of those people who go in for a false alarm. Once isn't that bad though.

Anyway, this afternoon brought week 41's checkup. The doc says she's 1-2 cm dilated and 50% effaced. Better than last week. After consulting with us and allowing us to talk amongst ourselves, we now know that baby heyboer will be with us no later than sometime on Saturday. She's scheduled to go in around 6 p.m. Friday night for induction if nothing has happened by then. We're still hoping for a natural labor and delivery, but if he hasn't come by then, we're comfortable with getting the process started. That'll be 10 days past the due date. She's not delivering an elephant after all. So that's where we stand. These final days will be marked by last minute preparations (though how much more can we possibly do?) and finding ways to keep ourselves occupied. It's weird being away from work for such as long period of time. I want him here so I can begin my new "career"! Until the next post - "bring on the labor!"


Anonymous said...

Prayers that cashew comes on his own!

Ted and Shana said...

We are praying for a safe a happy delivery. Bring on the baby!