Has been a good start to the semester. I have two classes that will be exclusively online for the first 4 weeks. That means I'm only driving into Nashville once a week at this time. Neither teacher is much of a favorite, but I really don't have a choice about my professors. I do find it somewhat (okay greatly) ironic that the instructors that are "teaching" me how to be an effective classroom teacher have never once taught in a K-12 setting. They're just long time students with doctorates and have done some research, but haven't actually had to manage twenty-five bratty, snot-nosed third graders. What do I know?
It's been raining a lot over the past several days, and so our library trips have been cancelled. A day or two ago, we did get out in between the showers to play outside. My mistake, as the yard was very muddy. I should have taken pictures of his hands and pants. I did get a few shots of him playing soccer, though.
The focus of Pelé...
On Monday, since everyone was off, we went shoe shopping for Grayson. He's now up to a size 6. Got a good deal on a couple of pair at Target. There's a second hand store near the square, and several months ago we found an absolutely adorable pair of size 7 Timberland boots for $6. Essentially brand new. I can't wait until he grows into them.
Grayson's imaginative role play is becoming increasingly more fun each day. This week, we've really been having a good time with all his vehicles (dump truck, firetruck, cars). He has little drivers for them that he's given names, he has them "talk" to each other and shake one another's hand..just fun sitting on the floor and watching him play on his own. It also gives me an opportunity to read through my textbooks while also keeping an eye on him.
What else? He understands a large number of colors and shapes. He can name them when shown and bring them when asked. He's also beginning to grasp the counting concept. His counting consists of "two, three, two" pretty much- the ideas are turning in his little mind though.
He's obsessed with cleaning. From an early age, he's always liked wiping things with rags (walls, desks, cabinets), but now when he sits at the table if he sees crumbs, he asks for a napkin and sweeps them onto the floor. He loves to "help".
Speaking of helping, yesterday we made it to the store between the passing rain showers, and when we got back in he pulled every nonbreakable can and jar from the bags and put them in the cabinets where they belonged. I was impressed. I wonder how long this helpful attitude will last. If only through adolescence.
Well, he's still asleep, and I have to get a few things ready before class tonight.
1 comment:
Cute pics (as always). Is funny that we went shoe shopping about the same time. Is crazy how fast they go through them though right? It seems like yesterday Kalila was going in 6's.
Sorry about him getting sick. That's not cool about people bringing sick kids around w/ no warning. Is a pet peeve of mine too.
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