I then spent the better part of 15 minutes sawing a 2 inch ring from the trunk of the tree. Started out with a hacksaw, saw the futility of my efforts, so moved up to a handsaw. Next year I'm using a chainsaw. My wife found a cool craft idea for making a homemade ornament from the previous year's tree. I'll post a picture of that when it is made.
The day itself was fairly calm. We made our usual library trip, Grayson had a blast as always. I'm really glad we have the music day and storytime during the week. Music time is actually for older kids, but Grayson does well in there. Since he's not in any kind of daycare setting, I really like for him to have opportunities to engage in social play with other kids on a regular basis. He's usually reserved and shy for the first 5 minutes or so, but inevitably he warms up to everyone one.
This morning we made our usual weekly trip to the store. Wow, was that a big mistake or what! I guess the combination of Senior Citizen's Day and a potential snowstorm a day away made for big crowds. The traffic in the store wasn't that bad- however, we had to walk half a block from our parking spot. Grayson had fun, and that's really all that matters.
I need to finish this up..been trying to for 20 minutes now. The boy just woke up from his nap, and immediately asked for his blocks. I think I'll go build a fortified city with him.
I wish we could have a real tree! Someday... making an ornament from it is a cool idea too!
Our tree is going down tonight. I'm not sure how Kalila will react... prob about the same as Grayson lol.
I love the distressed look on his face... too cute!
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