Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Post Christmas and everything else

I haven't posted to facebook or this blog throughout the week, but decided to do a posting tonight before the second half of the week begins. Last post involved Christmas Eve Eve celebrating with my immediate family. On Christmas Eve, we drove to my grandmother's house as planned. Had a wonderful time with the extended family on my mom's side. We stayed until about 8:45, then made the hour and fifteen minute drive back into town. Gray was asleep 20 or so minutes into the trip. Transitioning him from the car to his crib was a piece of cake.

After getting him settled, we set up for "Santa". The tree had been gated off from Grayson, so we took it down. Jennifer finished wrapping some last minute presents, and we set everything under the tree. Fell asleep a few minutes past eleven.

Christmas morning- Grayson was up by 7:45 and we watched him open presents and have an all around good time. Seeing him run to the tree and find his toys was awesome! Glad I got some of it on video. After he'd played some, I went to Hardees and brought back breakfast. After exchanging our limited gifts with each other, we went across town to see Grayson's Grammie and Papa. Had a good time with them for a little bit, then came back home for lunch and a nap.

The middle part of the day was a very strange time period. Totally did not feel like Christmas. I've always been doing something all of Christmas day. To have a portion of the day at home with nothing Christmasy going on was a bit strange. When Gray woke up from his nap, we headed to Uncle David and Aunt Jane's (FIL's side) for a late Christmas lunch. Had a great time over there, as usual. Grayson really started to get worn down toward the end (he didn't take a great nap) and we had to duck out a few minutes before we probably would have otherwise. We also had to allow enough time to have Jennifer's immediate family do some gift exchanging. All in all, it was a good far the focus was on Gray, but he's the sole baby on both sides, so why shouldn't he be? :)

This would have been a much more informative post had I done this over the weekend, but I'm taking a little bit of a break from the blog and facebook this week. Don't get me wrong, I check it periodically for email or time sensitive messages, but it's been nice just relaxing with my wife and son all week. We've eaten out a time or two (have IHOP plans for tomorrow morning), made several trips out (going to Target is fun when you have gift cards) and just enjoyed not having much of a schedule. That's going to change tomorrow, as the final holiday get-together begins. Jen's uncle and aunt (MIL's side) are making their annual trip here from Dallas. They are a fun bunch of people to get together, so I'm hoping to have some good stories to tell after the New Year. If I don't post before the weekend, here's to a great 2010. I know a lot of things will change for many people this coming year-hope it's one to remember!


MileHighDad said...

Nice Blog.
May the new year bring many hits!

Parenting Colorado Style!

Kris said...

Glad yall had a good Christmas! Hope you have a Happy New Years too!

Understood on the break from FB thing... I enjoyed my weekend w/out it. Can't make it a whole week though lol.. I'd go nuts.