Me to my son on a nightly basis: Seriously dude. This is your daddy speaking. It's about time you made your way out of the womb and into the world. We have everything ready and both of us would really like to stop talking to people about when you're going to show up. Let's get this ball rollin'. Don't make me count to five. 1,2...
It really feels this way. We went to the doctor today (her 40th week of pregnancy according to the menstrual date - which we have learned is far more accurate than the ultrasound tech's date) and were told that nothing had really changed. Pretty disconcerting news considering we really hoped that labor would have begun prior to this appointment. Initial discussion with the doctor was quite frightening, with phrases like "probably about a 35% chance of requiring a C-section" and "you'll need to watch your body and child closely over the next week to make sure he continues to progress safely". These were unnecessary, for the doctor wasn't on the same page with previous doctors as to the official due date. So anyway, to wrap up this mess, wife and child are fine, and we'll be going back next tuesday for the final appointment for the next step that needs to be taken. Unless he decides to come between now and then, which is what we want. Here's a picture of the wife doing what she can to get him going. Enjoy :)
By the way, I've enabled comments on this now; please let me know if you're reading it, and what you'd like to know about!
We're praying he will be her soon. Until then keep JC hydrated and cool! Love you guys!
This is Jenny, Jeremy's fiance. :)
We'll be praying as well. We sure hope your little man comes soon; we want to see photos of the newest Heyboer!
spicy food spicy food.
I didn't know you had a blog! Have to comment on due dates though... LMP is not the more accurate date by far.. Ultrasound can be off too, but is better than LMP if you don't chart. If it weren't ultrasound that we wouldn't have known that Kalila was due over 2 weeks later than our original due date! 40 weeks also isn't the time to be worrying as much as your dr seemed too (nor is 41 for that matter)... I'm sorry yall went through that! But hey, is over & yall got a cutie pie now
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